Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 4 part 2 More planting, more friends

Just planted some more plants: Basil, purple and sweet, Ginger Mint, Golden glows - beautiful, a couple Canterbury Bells (one of my sentimental favorites), hmmm, what else, a Verigated Dogwood, St. John's Wort, 5 Clumping Blue Grasses, Foxglove, Yarrow, but a really different one...I am seriously wondering if it was not mismarked - it looks like Tarragon to me (which I would prefer) which is a far cry from the Yarrow I know...but you never know - we will see how it grows, and finally, an annual Blue Wonder.

As I was finishing it started to rain...just a wonderful light rain...however enough for me to slip and fall on the muck on the road...what a wonderful sight that must have been, where's to hoping the neighbors weren't watching!

My friend Barry stopped by for a quick chat through the car window...was nice to see his face, don't get to see it much any more.

All and all a quiet night...going to go out front to the deck to read.

Hmmm, I should have know that reading would not last long as I do not do to well just sitting on the deck looking at an unfinished garden, so around 8pm I planted the flower bed in front of the deck...not part of the boulevard project...but part of the overall garden.

While planting Shelia and her dog walked by, she stopped for a bit and we discussed the idea of a summer Solstice celebration...we both thought it would be great, so I am going to go ahead with it...more details and invitations to follow.

I also met Carol who lives down on 8th and 16th Street. She related that people are always asking her why she stays in her little old house, rather than moving to a big new house on the North or South side...she said, 'people who don't get it...well they just don't get it...a small house in this area is great' was her 17 year old daughter's birthday today.

If you look close you can see my cats in the picture...Harley on the left, Fury on the right.


Anonymous said...

Loralee, you rock! way to make it happen! do you have room for a few stray tomato plants?


Sure said...

Totally, thanks Anine...see you by soon for a visit?