Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 14 Catnip and Grass

I found a Bachelor Button growing out of the concrete in the back alley...I love its persistence
I watered and watered am worried about all the water it is taking to keep the plants going...the one side of the garden has drought tolerant plants...but they need water to get established - the vegetable side needs lots of water...I am feeling a little bit environmentally UNfriendly right now...we are setting up a series of rain barrels (we have nine that we are hooking up together) we should be better equipped for next year.

I did not perform or speak to anyone today (although a man walked by and friendly said he is looking forward to seeing the yard next year). Paul and I went and mowed a friends lawn so that when they get home they will not have to face long grass...but we have a battery mower and the battery conked out half way we finished it with the weed whacker...better than nothing right...went on a rock hunt this afternoon as I put in a Sedum/Cactus garden and they do better with rocks to keep them warm...then left a small stack on someone's front steps.

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