Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 42 ...it has been awhile...But Asphalt Boulevards?

So, I knew it would happen...as soon as I missed a day or two blogging, a week would go by. But I have continued performing and taking pictures...so here is some catch up. I am going to start with Lethbridge's asphalt boulevards...

Last week I received a really nice email from Shannon, who I have yet to meet in person, although I do hope we will meet for tea soon. She commented on the garden, saying she had been told about the boulevarden and the blog from a friend. Shannon wrote, "What a great idea! I have been thinking about doing this for a few years after reading about Blooming Boulevard campaigns in other cities. I even approached the London Road Neighbourhood Association with the idea. While the London Road area is known for its elm-lined streets, my street is unfortunately "tree-less" and, even worse, the boulevards are asphalt. Anyways, you have inspired me and next year I will tear up my asphalt and plant." My first thought was asphalt? (my second was "Blooming Boulevard campaigns...what is that? Here are a couple http://www.metroblooms.org/guide_bloomingboulevards.php and linkshttp://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/cue/Blooming_Boulevards.asp - and really if you just punch blooming boulevards into google you will get a tonne)

ANYWAY, so I took a trip down to Shannon's block. Shannon lives down between 6 and 7 Ave on 7th street south. Above and below are pictures of the boulevard. One of her neighbors approached the city about removing the asphalt and was told that, "we would need 2/3 of our neighbours to agree to it and it would cost each of us about $2000 (outrageous!)...no one seems to know why we have asphalt and not grass......"

Me either...hmmm what are we gonna do about it?

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