Monday, July 2, 2007

Day 22 Lavender Lemonade in the Boulevarden

Today I made Lavender Lemonade with Lavender that is blooming in the garden. My plan was to offer lemonade to those who passed by. The creation/preparation of the lemonade was I was gathering Lavender Paul went to the market to get 12 lemons. I made a simple syrup and added the Lavender blossoms, as it cooled I juiced the lemons...juicing the lemons was incredibly sensual and satisfying (although trying to figure out how to leave in the pulp but sift out the seeds was more complicated than you might think).

I set up a table in the garden with the lemonade, some cookies and a sign that read 'Free Lavender Lemonade'...I asked people as they walked by if they would like to try a glass...every one said no...well except for a neighbor, my friend Carol and Paul.

I was not sure if people did not want to try the lemonade because it was lavender lemonade, if they did not want to try something created by a stranger, if they were just not thirsty, if it took them by surprise or it they just thought 'I was weird' - the latter is what my neighbor thought was the problem...(grrreat). After a bit of time, and much rejection, Paul joked (a bit seriously) that people were going to not pass our house anymore, rather crossing to the other side of the street as this side would be too confrontational...(again...grrreat)... although I don't feel like the performance was a was much different than I thought it would be...

Carol stopped by for a visit, she looked radiant, peaceful and happy. She had enjoyed an incredible weekend in the mountains hosting a Goddess retreat that sounded really interesting - much more than the name might indicate...of course this weekend was a full moon soooooo... was wonderful to see and hug her. When she first came I asked if she would like to share breakfast with us as we (read Paul) were just cooking some...I started the grinder to make coffee and looked up at the clock...I realized it was 4pm...Carol didn't say a word...that is so Carol. We enjoyed a lovely breakfast on the deck and I complained to her about the lack a live music venue (that I like) in Lethbridge.

I saw two people working in their garden at a house down from ours, just across 13th street. The family moved there six months or so ago. I grabbed a Delphinium from the garden to give them and walked down to introduce myself. I met Ann and Chris who were working in the garden (Chris is Ann's son, her husband is Timo and she has two other kids Charissa and Jeremy as well as a cute dog Mickey). She popped over later this evening for a visit to the Boulevarden, she is a great lady.

Peter was walking by and so came up for a brief visit. He is the father of a friend of mine and is a wonderful gentle man...every time I see and visit with him I am reminded of how lovely it is to be in the company of quiet, gentle people (and how loud I can be...even just with the quickness I movements are visually noisy...) I sent home some Lavender Lemonade for him and Katy to share.

Hannah called tonight...she planted her garden today (she just bought a house down the road). She called me to tell me she was enjoying her garden, having a Corona and reading the book I lent her called Cunt (which is a book all women (and men) of all ages should read She invited me to her I am going to go and check out it out sometime this week.

Later in the evening as we were watering and enjoying a wine on the deck we met Jim and his daughter Jamie who were walking their dog of the most well behaved dogs ever...Jim said he would bring his wife Leanne by to the garden. They live on 11st and have just spent the last 2 years renovating their house, he said they will start their yard 'renovation' next year.

Below is Carol...

1 comment:

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