Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm Back...

I have been MIA for several weeks (months?)...there are a few reasons for that: I have been busy and have been on holidays...okay so that only amounts to about two weeks...the real reason is my baby Mac (my 12" powerbook) broke sad - I always wrote my blogs on my laptop (truth be told usually from a cafe or my bed at night...egad - I suppose a laptop in bed is just as bad for a relationship as a TV, eh?) Anyway...the inconvenience of having to go to my desk top - yes I do realize how spoiled that sounds - stopped me from taking the time to post...AND then once I was behind it was hard to get back at it, you know? But there is much to say and catch up on...

Cheryl Harty

I met Cheryl Harty through freecycle (if you don't know what it is you should check it out - it is a great way to get rid of things you no longer
need and perhaps find some you do). I had posted a message asking for any plants people might have left over after their spring planting. Cheryl donated a tonne of plants for the guerrilla war on underused spaces. Her yard is huge and amazing. Cheryl was a wonderful woman to meet, she has a great smile - you know those smiles that make you feel immediately comfortable?

Cheryl showed us a path she had made from Rhubarb leaves and cement. Below is a picture of the path as well as a detail of one of the stones. She said you lay a Rhubarb leaf in some sand - add enough cement to cover the leave then put in a bit of chicken wire and add more cement. I loved 'em.
My sister and her kids came out with me and Cheryl let the kids run around and play with her cats. She donated (I hope I remember it all) Oregano, Grape Vine, Strawberries, Tarragon, Tomatoes...oh ug I am forgetting - but she gave us a bunch of plants - and it was a wonderful day. Below is my nephew Felix with her cat - who was great with the kids.

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