Saturday, July 26, 2008

Coyote Garden is gone...but not forgotten

I suppose it is not a surprise that the vegetable garden downtown did not last. I was at the garden last weekend and it had just been planted with annuals. Although I am sad to see the garden go in retrospect I think perhaps it not the best spot for couple reasons.

The first reason is because the land is cared for by the city - so although I would definitely arg
ue it is under used - it IS maintained by the maybe we should not be 'guerilla'ing there - I dunno. The reason we chose this location to plant a vegetable and herb garden was because Galt Gardens is often a gathering space for homeless. The garden was a political as well as practical statement.

The second reason is because the vegetables did not seem to make it for very long - many of the plants seemed to be eaten down by animals - deer and rabbits I would guess (at least - as I told a friend - that is what the optimist in me chooses to believe rather then 'vandalized').

Thirdly watering the g
arden was difficult...although there was a city hose there we could not access it.
Coyote Garden was a wonderful community project, and I don't regret a minute of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great updates, Loralee, I was a bit afraid to ask about the coyote garden, but I do agree with your 'analysis', including the 'no regrets' except maybe that I wasn't around to help water it...