Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day two...almost done

This morning I dug up some Brown Eyed Susans, Chives, Sedum, Catmint and gathered some seeds.

MIchelle brought some of her self grown tomatoes and alpine strawberries as as well as some sunflowers.

We sat on the deck and made a sign for the garden and some rock plant identifiers. We grabbed our tools and a big...I mean seriously big..jug of water (it was brutal) and headed down to the garden.

Just as we got there Shawna and Liam arrived. Shawna brought some Oregano and Lavender for the garden.

As Liam (at 6 months old our youngest Guerrilla Gardener to date) supervised, we got to planning and planting the garden.
We added four tomato plants (should 'tomato' and all the other names of the plants be capitalized?? I can't decide...), Swiss Chard, Chives, Alpine Strawberries, Lavender, large and small Sunflowers, Oregano, Cat Mint, Sedum and Brown Eyed Susans. Michelle has some potatoes that she is going to bring down.

Shawna also acted as our official documenter so she will be posting some other pics.

We named the garden 'Coyote Garden'.

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