Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 69 Plums and Flutterbyes

Well the plums are ripening...very quickly...I picked a box full and put it out in the Boulevarden. There are still lots on the tree. Some of the plums need a bit more ripening - I imagine for the next couple weeks or so I will be able to put more out in the garden to share. Some the plums are perfectly ripe and oh so sweet...and many are almost ready and just need a day or two ripening on your window sill.

This butterfly was flying around the garden for quite awhile, mostly staying on the chocolate mint plant...This butterfly reminded me of my youn
ger brothers Joel and Jonathon (Jonathon calls himself Jon, I have always called him Gin...this fact does not effect the story)...ANYWAY the reason this butterfly reminded me of my Gin was because as a little kid he had this funny way of wrongly pronouncing a word that made it much more appropriate than its actual pronunciation; for example he called a fly swatter a fly slaughter, a camper a cramper (we have six kids in our family so the camper was always 'cramped'), and he called butterflies - when ever I see a butterfly it reminds me me of Gin. The butterfly reminded me of Joel because it stayed on the chocolate mint and did not mind getting its picture take. Joel is a self described chocoholic, I have seen him eat 10 chocolate bars at one sitting and not feel ill at all...weird. Also Joel does not mind getting his picture taken. Anyway this one little butterfly game me a double bro reminder experience. Both Jin and Jo live in Edmonton and I miss them...xo xo (I also have another brother who lives in Lac St. Jean, QC)...ANYWAY not sure why this turned into a 'this is MY life' paragraph...I guess I could have just said - this beautiful reminds me of my brothers...that would have been simpler...oh well...

I have been feeling a bit 'off' and tired the last couple days so I have not interacted or performed much in the garden. Rather I have been 'sneaking' out at night or early morning to water, weed, deadhead or pick the fruit. However, It is been great to see people have shared vegetables, fruit or herbs I leave in the basket. Some have even weeded the garden a bit. Thank you. Peace.

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