Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 64 Flying Saucers...

The Flying Saucer Squash is finally is soooo cute!

...also the pumpkins are getting bigger and bigger every minute! Oh and the plums in the back yard are almost ready...there are hundreds of keep your eye out for baskets of them in the garden to take. Also I have decided to pot up some of the volunteer perennials that have come up - so if you would like some perennial herbs or flowers come by next week - I will just leave them down by the garden.

The Boulevarden was busy yesterday, with people stopping by to tour through....or slowing down and checking it out from their brother (visiting from Edmonton) called it the Boulevarden parade. Tim and Sandra stopped by for a quick visit last night, it was nice to see them. Sandra is the woman who phoned the Herald to tell them about the garden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the City of Lethbridge would do if they awoke to spraypainted art on the side of City Hall one Monday morning? Likely, the tag would be removed and the cultrip arrested and charged for his/her disregard for city property. What I also wonder is what makes what you are doing so different from that spray artist?, After all beauty is in the eye of the beholder, correct? I have driven by your garden, and live in the direct neighbourhood and find what you are doing to be outright wrong, regardless of how you see its success.
I also wonder how you may feel if one of your neighbours decides that they are going to give away old car parts on the boulevard in front of their house?
I am also quite stunned that you would have such nerve as to publicly praise yourself for the vandalism you have done to property that you know is not yours.
I have no contention to community gardens, and feel that they are wonerful ideas that can bring neighbours and communities together, but they need to be put in areas designated by the city, and decisions should not be left to the individuals, as this could closely represent anarchy.
You do have a nice yard, an I can apprecite the work you have put into it, but what you should have done if you wanted closeness with your community is created this garden on property that you owned, and not taken away from the intended purpose of that land.