Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Day 10 Boulevarden

I received an email from Moira and she called the public garden a Boulevarden...I think that is a great name, I am going to steal it and use it often! (Moira likes the above sculpture in the garden)

I was out with the cats this morning to check on the transplanted asparagus (I didn't check the rhubarb because...seriously...can you kill that stuff?!)...so far it looks okay, but I can not help thinking about my planting method, the prescribed planting method... and worrying I have failed them...

I weeded a bit, it is so satisfying to weed when the ground is wet. I then met Jackie who was walking by, she lives just down on the corner. We discussed the garden...she asked about the climbing rose and we mused over the likelihood of it doing okay/blooming where it is planted as it does not get much sun...on a positive note it is sheltered by the big Elm tree...but nonetheless it may need to be relocated next year. Jackie works 9-6 everyday...she said one day on her way home if we were out on the deck she would stop for a visit.

Today I am going to distribute invitations the neighbor's mailboxes inviting them to the Summer Solstice Party...I bought lights that go under the umbrella...is that tacky?...

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