Saturday, July 26, 2008

Guerilla Gardening as documented by a 3yr-old

Felix my three year old nephew came with me and documented this gathering trip.

A month and a half ago...or so, I received a message from Marilyn Moore, she had also seen my post of freecycle (see? it is so cool). Marilyn had Obedient Plants to donate. She had a lot of plants she wanted to get rid of...I was a bit naive and thought I could dig up a much of what she wanted gone - but it is surprising how many plants are in a small area - we took as many as would fit in the car.

They are in my garden waiting for a home...they are supposed to be quite drought tolerant so I have a spot where I think they may work.

My nephew Felix came with me - he has been my partner in crime a few times this year - and he documented the trip including the first photo of his feet...cute.

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