Saturday, June 7, 2008

Guerilla Gardening Meeting/Coyote Garden Update

At our guerilla gardening meeting/walk last week we discussed a few spaces that needed attention. When we were planting the Coyote Garden Shawna McPherson told us about the planters pictured above and below. We thought this would be great for our next project. I am picking up some tomato and herb plants tomorrow that have been donated from Cheryl Harty in Raymond, so we can use those for the planters. We will also need to bring some soil and compost as the planters are in bad shape and filled with pea gravel.

I checked the Coyote Garden yesterday...the tomato plants did not survive so I am replanting three or four this afternoon, the other plants are doing well though and the seeds are looks like the catmint is being well used by the 'downtown' cats.

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